flipchart news Dacre and Greg's Testimony

flipchart news Dacre and Greg

Other Feedback �

So much has happened already this year - the Lord has provided me with many opportunities for outreach! Parachute was incredible - a perfect occasion for sharing the gospel! I talked with many young people, met some Christians and handed out a heap of tracts. The major highlight so far for 2012 would have to be the Putaruru outreach - people there were incredibly open to hearing the good news. This was an awesome show; a privilege and blessing to serve the Lord in such an open and receptive community! I've been involved in Brett's "T4T" evenings - these have also been a huge blessing. These meetings are a platform for fellowship with, and training for, Christians who desire to be active in outreach. Through these meetings I've learnt a few methods for engaging in conversation with people on the street using the hand-held filp-chart. Over the past month I've been putting these into practice on the streets of Cambridge, at the local skate park, and on The University of Waikato campus. Lastly, we've got the O2D Facebook page online. The page is getting some excellent exposure - we already have 32 people who "like" us, as well as a lot of people "talking about us". At one point, 21 people were telling their friends about O2D on three consecutive days!

Blessings from Dacre

Write a short note, a big ask! Here goes. Because there are quite a few flipcharters here (in Hamilton) I have looked at helping others in another town. In Rotorua we have just started a weekly outreach with a local, Ian. Both Steve and I are supporting him until he gets a team around him. I ask that you pray for a town where there are no flipcharts and to meet God�s man or woman in that town and you will meet them. Support on evangelizing; that�s my short note. Keep up the good work.

From Greg (by text)

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