MELANIE's Testimony


> 'I am blessed to have Hepatitis-C'
> With this being my first open email letter, let me introduce myself.
> I'm a friend of internet Dave who goes by NiteOwlDave on Paltalk and
> Heaven_Yes2001 on Yahoo chat.
> My name is Melanie. I'm 44. I live in Florida. I am the blessed
> recipient of Hepatitis-C, an extremely invasive virus that primarily attacks
> liver. Yes, you read correctly - I'm "blessed." I'll explain why later.
> I grew up here in Florida. My mother and father basically hated each
> other, I have one natural brother, Mike. My dad was transferred a lot. My
> now tells me he was "fired" a lot. Not a big surprise there.
> We moved from a pretty cool house in Clearwater, Florida, when I was
> about age four to a miserable house in Tennessee. My dad had four sons from a
> previous marriage, two of which came to live with us in TN.
> It was not more than a month after they arrived that I became their
> "prey," literally. I will spare you the details.
> We ended up moving back to Florida because my dad got another
> "transfer." We moved to a house that was to become my Hell.
> A very short time after moving, my dad's other two sons came to live
> with us. Oh joy!
> One of my abuser half brothers left for Vietnam. I was overjoyed. What
> a mistake. One of the new stepbrothers just took his place. This went on for
> several years until I finally got the courage to tell my parents what I had to
> endure.
> My mother took my side. My father called me a liar and beat me
> repeatedly. Fortunately my parents were getting a divorce, and my brothers
were sent
> packing along with my father.
> But I digress. I must mention that my "brothers" introduced me to the
> wonderful world of drugs - cocaine, heroin dilaudid, reefers, etc. Under the
> influence of their drugs, I wouldn't resist their advances.
> They turned me into a full-blown dope addict at the ripe old age of
> eight years of age. My life after that centered around drugs, sex, and some of
> the best scams going.
> I quit school in the ninth grade because I could not keep up being the
> merry little student and a rebellious, druggie runaway.
> I have lived in homes owned by the mafia. I have lived in many motels.
> For 15 years, I lived in my mother's house, which she gave me. She sold what
> was left of it when I got busted and went to jail.
> About the only time I didn't do drugs was when I was pregnant. I was
> married three times and had three children. Each marriage featured drug usage
> and each was a disaster. My last husband died at Christmas of cancer.
> My first daughter died at two months, supposedly of crib death. I know
> differently. The autopsy showed she had choked to death on her medicine. The
> daycare operator was not charged but her daycare license was permanently
> revoked. Justification? Not really. But I have forgiven her.
> So what and how am I doing now? I am a grateful and blessed recovering
> cocaine and heroin junkie. I was a user for 27-years. I am completely starting
> over after being arrested May 19, 2005, for possession of heroin.
> Getting busted was the best thing that happened to me. I hit rock
> bottom, having lost husbands, my house of 15 years, my three cats which were
put to
> sleep, all my belongings which were trashed and stolen by the very people
> that I supported over the years - my fellow drug dealers - and my health.
> Before I was arrested, I had been diagnosed with the worst strain
> possible of Hep-C, geno type 1. I have been given a 30 per cent chance that
> treatment that I have just started taking will help. The medical people
> I contracted Hep-C in 1987 from tainted blood given to me during an operation.
> God laid His hand on me this past May when I spent 29 days in jail, and
> 60 days in extensive drug rehabiitation.
> It was at this point that I realized I could not blame God and others
> for my mess-ups in life. I forgave others and myself. I gave up, I turned my
> life back over to Jesus Christ.
> I repented FULLY of all my sins. I held nothing back. I realized I was
> not responsible for the actions of my stepbrothers when I was young. But it
> was not God's fault, either. There are powers of Satan at work on this earth.
> I was one of his victims. No longer, though. All those years I didn't think
> I was worthy of being one of God's children.
> I had wanted to die and I almost succeeded A recluse in my bedroom, I
> had placed a 9 mm gun in my mouth many times. God intervenes in mysterious
> It's a rush to be winning a life-long dependency on drugs. But it's more
> important to find your way to Jesus Christ and His salvation.
> I now live with my mother. Yes, I said my mother. God Bless her always.
> For the next 48 weeks, I have to inject myself with Interferon. This stuff is
> liquid fire. I also take 80 pills a week. The side effects are devastating,
> to say the least - headaches, nausea, vomiting, hair loss, depression, extreme
> joint pain, and flu symptoms. I'm as sick as a dog every day.
> If the drugs work, I might add an additional five years to my 5-10 year
> life expectancy. If the drugs don't do the job, I have maybe five or ten
> to live.
> But guess what? I am happier now than I have been in so many years I
> can't remember. Happy? You betcha!!!
> My two beautiful daughters, Cory, 21, and Kathryn, 18, actually come to
> see me now. They even hug and kiss me and tell me they "love" me. They are no
> longer ashamed of their mother.
> My oldest lets me baby-sit my granddaughter, April, two, all by myself.
> I have gained such closeness with my mother, daughters, and granddaughter.
> There are no words to describe it. And my relationship with the Lord is
> incredible.
> I take comfort in my Lord Jesus Christ. He is always with me, no matter
> what. I have gained so much mental and physical wealth. There is nothing that
> can compare to it, ever. The respect that I have with family, friends, and
> even strangers is priceless.
> Where am I going with all this? Let go of what you think is important
> and let God show you what is important.
> As the saying goes: "Take the cotton out of our ears, place it in our
> mouths and LISTEN."
> I'd love to hear from any of you. I'm at Want
> an internet chat friend? I may be sick, but I love to write e-mails and chat
> Paltalk (
> Love,
> Melanie

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